


Our aim is to provide best service available at the most competitive rates as possible. We are constantly updating and upgrading our test equipment and procedures to allow us to maintain our leadership role in all our services and in lab instruments.

Providing our customers with highest quality products and services, which meet and exceed their requirement.

• Reasonable pricing

• competitive pricing

• Quality products

• Timely service

• AMC Services



The Ohmkar Equipments are equipped with the safety devices.

• High Temperature/ Low Temperature Safety Thermostats (Adjustable)

Bimetallic ther mostat which cutoff input supply of heater and boiler heater in case of temperature overshoots & cutoff supply of compressor in case of temperature undershoots.

• Sensor Safety:

When controlling sensor fails, the controlling switch overs to other sensor.

• Human Safety (Door Safety):

In Walk-In Chamber a safety knob is provided in the chamber, to unlock the door from inside. A alarm switch provided in the chamber and hooter outside to alert in case of emergency.

• Door Access System :

For safety from unauthorized access (Optional).

Standard Hardware Available Globally :

• User friendly LCD display panels to monitor the chamber.

• PLC based controlling system.

• Temperature & humidity transmitters.


• Local alarm on the equipment.

• Remote alarm, which can be installed at the labs, security zone etc.

AMC Services:

We also undertake AMC and Calibration of equipments The complete Lab Equipments AMC.